Leonardo Franceschini
Musician composer artisit
Suite Vicentina
Inspired by the book UNICHE! Le grandi donne vicentine della Storia by Antonio Di Lorenzo, the suite consists of 10 pieces, including original compositions and arrangements. Ten musicians, selected through an open call organized by the cultural association Bacan, contributed their musical and creative talents to the project.
The written portraits of these unknown or forgotten but remarkable women, ranging from ancient Roman times to the third millennium, highlight influential female figures on both local and international levels. Stories of microhistory or tied to popular culture served as sources of inspiration and were transformed into music. (Illustrations by Claudia Zonta)
Tartarus Ensemble
TARTARUS ensemble represents a completely authentic and unabashed sound, something entirely disconnected from external expectations. The name TARTARUS comes from the ancient Greek term for the underworld. This resulted in a mix of influences that have rarely been combined so far, such as electronic, jazz, classical, metal, and opera. This is also reflected in our instrumentation consisting of vocals (Hanna Aïlane), (bass) clarinet (Nuno Cuñha), cello (Lluïsa Paredes), electric guitar (Leonardo Franceschini), drums (Owen Puijpe), and electronics. This combination of instruments and sounds provides a refreshing and innovative sound, where each individual can add their own musicality. This becomes especially apparent in more improvised sections (where interaction is key), alternating with written work.
Besides this philosophy, TARTARUS also believes in storytelling. This combination of styles is ultimately used to tell the story of a powerful but friendly AI that is born, gains consciousness, experiences loneliness, deteriorates, and is finally set free. Each piece in this concert (called The Omnipotent Orphan) is a chapter from its story.
TARTARUS believes in the authenticity of the artistic soul. TARTARUS believes in telling stories. TARTARUS believes in experimenting with uncommon genre combinations, fusions of textures, in the richness and abstractness of the digital and the humanity and detail of the acoustic.